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TNR is a team sport with individual scoring. Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity 1 (JV1) teams typically have 14 boys and 14 girls each. Although we practice together, on race days boys and girls ski separately. The Lake Conference races alternate between freestyle (skate) skiing and classic (traditional) skiing. Therefore, to compete in Varsity or JV1, skiers need to ski both disciplines. 

The JV2 squad is for new, less experienced skiers as well as student-athletes that know how to ski but are not at a JV1 level. These skiers may ski one discipline (skate or classic). Students will still race at every meet.

All who register for Nordic are expected to compete at the appropriate level. There is the potential for movement between the three different levels, so "Work Hard. Have Fun. Go Fast"!

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Site Managed by Tonka Nordic Racing Booster Club

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